Thursday, February 17, 2011

Current Status

I decided to forget about the past and start writing from today forward. 

On 2/9/11 my chair submitted my CP to the school for approval.  Finally, the first time after a long struggle.  I waited patiently.

Today, I found out that my CP was approved the first time.  I was totally shocked and full of disbelief.  They gave me some recommendations for the proposal.

1.  When preparing the proposal, the Learner should insure that the “so what” of this study is very clearly explained.  In all research studies, we must be clear about the importance of the study and why it matters that we understand this phenomenon.  So, when preparing the proposal, please make sure that the importance of understanding this group is clearly stated.
2.  When finalizing the research questions in the proposal, the Learner should insure that all of the main important elements of the movement that this study will uncover are represented in the Research Questions.   What are the key things that the Learner hopes to investigate and analyze?   Include each of these in the research questions.
3.  Both interviews and analyses of blogs are presented as possible sources of data.   In preparing the proposal it is important to fully describe how each will be analyzed and how each will answer the research questions.  Also, how blogs are chosen for analysis and both the internal and external validity of the blogs chosen must be discussed. 
In conclusion, the research discussed in this concept paper is feasible and the methodology chosen is appropriate to the research questions presented.  It is approved.
I also found out today that I got a new committee member.
To completely update you my title is now:

The Preppers:  A Multiple Case Study of Individuals Who Choose a Moderate Survivalist Lifestyle

I had to change from phenomenological to multiple case study, which in essence is the same thing.

So no more goofing off, time to get serious. 

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